Scaffolding Accidents

Scaffolding accidents are unfortunately too common on Orlando construction sites – and they cause many of the construction industry’s work-related fatalities. This is in part due to the dangerous nature of working on a scaffold, which is not always the most stable of structures and must be carefully constructed to avoid collapse or other accidents.

There are three different types of scaffolds typically used on a construction site:

  • Supported scaffolds
  • Suspended scaffolds
  • Hoists

Accidents can occur on any of the scaffolding types, but the height above ground can contribute to the danger when a worker falls from scaffolding, or the scaffold collapses.

Common Scaffolding Injuries include:

  • Brain injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Amputations

Our Orlando scaffolding accident attorneys can evaluate your situation and determine if you have a case against a third party that is not your employer. Scaffolding accident claims can result in payment of compensation for your injuries that includes:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Additional wage loss benefits beyond what workers’ compensation will pay
  • Medical bills
  • Loss of relationship – This assigns a monetary cost to the activities and services you are no longer able to provide to your immediate family due to your injuries.