Distracted Driving

In today’s world, distractions are everywhere. Among the most common dangerous distractions is the use of a cellphone while driving. Statistical analyses reveal significant delays in drivers’ reaction times when they use cell phones. Have you ever looked down at your phone and suddenly hit the breaks to avoid rear-ending the car in front of you? Have you ever honked at a car in front of you because it is not moving when the light turns green—but you could see a cellphone’s glow in the driver’s face? Chances are you answered Yes to both of these questions. Drivers constantly look down and distract themselves with their cell phones. The effects of these distractions are akin to driving while intoxicated.

If a distracted driver injured you in an accident, call our office today to speak with a KWB Law Attorney.

Analysis of the Data

Using cell phones, eating and drinking, and interacting with an in-vehicle system all increase the odds of a crash. The NHTSA reports that about 87 percent of rear-end crashes take place because the driver in the car following the lead vehicle is distracted. Talking or listening on a cell phone while driving is one of the top distracting activities.

Only a few seconds of distracted driving may cause a driver to miss a vehicle slowing down or braking. The following most common distractions cause drivers to rear-end other vehicles:

  • Eating and drinking
  • Reading a GPS
  • Texting
  • Talking on a cell phone
  • Looking at instrument panels
  • Interacting with passengers

Merely putting down cell phones and switching to hands-free devices won’t significantly alleviate the distraction issue. The crux of the problem is related to the attention span and focus of the driver—the more tethered the attention span, the higher the rate of collision.

Data collected from more than 3,000 drivers suggests that crash risk increased by five times or more when drivers manipulated a cell phone compared with undistracted drivers. Statistical analyses that aggregated the results of 33 studies in one analysis and 23 studies in another reported significant delays in drivers’ reaction times and thereby increased the chance of rear-end crashes.

Methods to Reduce Crash Risks Related to Distracted Driving

Crash avoidance technology is perhaps the most promising avenue for reducing car risks caused by any type of distraction. Data suggests that these technologies can help prevent or mitigate rear-end crashes by specifically redirecting the distracted driver’s attention back to the road via, for example, a voice-activated system.

Distracted driving is a major issue on U.S. roadways. Driver’s checking their email, talking on the phone, or answering a text are not focused on the road ahead and may not see a possible obstacle quickly enough for them to react. If you have been hit by a distracted driver here are a few things you can do:

Body scan

Before you get out of your vehicle to check your body for any injuries. After an accident, you may be in a state of shock, which can cause wounds to go unnoticed until it’s too late. If you find any injuries stay as still as possible and call the authorities for help.   If you have any passengers in your vehicle determine if they have been injured as well.

If you are unharmed and, if it is safe to do so, exit your vehicle and check on the well being of the other driver or drivers involved in the accident.

Call the authorities

While it may be a fender bender you should still call the authorities to make sure that everything is properly documented. This will also help you ensure that everyone is dealt with correctly whether harmed or unharmed.

As you’re waiting for the authorities to arrive and, if you are physically able to do so,  you should obtain information from the other driver and/or drivers including name(s), address(es), telephone number(s); the make, model and year of all vehicles involved, registration and insurance information for all vehicles; any complaints of injuries.

Take pictures and Locate Witnesses

Be sure to take plenty of pictures of the accident scene and the cars themselves. As you get pictures to email them to yourself and a trusted family member or friend so you have several copies of the accident pictures. This can help the process with your case exponentially if you indeed must go to court.

Write down the names, addresses, and/or phone numbers of any witnesses to the accident.

Keep calm

Though you may be frustrated to understand that an accident is an accident. Do not lose control of your emotions toward the other driver even if they are the ones at fault.  The document, take pictures and if you are indeed injured, get immediate medical attention