As motorists, we need to share the road with motorcycles and to be particularly alert of their presence. As motorcycle riders, we need to ride smart and sober to reduce our chances of being injured in collisions.
May marks Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month in the United States, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has teamed up with state and local government entities to place an increased focus on motorcycle accident prevention and motorcyclist safety. The two primary campaigns remind motorists to "Share the Road" and motorcyclists to "Ride Sober."
Motorcycles have the same rights and responsibilities as other vehicles on our roadways. As motorists, we need to remember this when we share the road with motorcycles. We need to yield the right of way as we would any other type of vehicle and need to look not only for cars, SUVs and trucks but need to keep our eyes open for motorcycles. They may be smaller and therefore less visible than other vehicles, but we should look for them nonetheless. Increasing awareness of motorcycles and the rights of motorcyclists can help prevent collisions caused by motorists.
Alcohol use may affect any driver, and motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable because of the skill, balance, and coordination it takes to safely ride a motorcycle. According to the NHTSA, "statistics show that the percentage of intoxicated motorcycle riders in fatal crashes is greater than the percentage of intoxicated drivers on our roads." Motorcyclists are therefore urged to ride sober, as this is the best way to be alert and safe.
Motorcyclists can also reduce their chances of being involved in accidents by obeying traffic laws and by riding defensively. As riders, we must never assume that a motorist can see us. Far too many motorcycle accidents are caused by drivers who just "didn't see" the motorcycle and rider until it was too late. Avoid contributing to motorcycle injury statistics by being aware of other drivers' conduct and by never assuming we can be seen. Wear bright, reflective clothing and always use a helmet and other protective gear to reduce the chances of fatal injury.
The Importance of Motorcycle Accident Prevention
The prevention of any and all motor vehicle accidents is of the utmost importance, considering these collisions are the leading cause of accidental injury in the U.S. Preventing motorcycle-involved collisions should receive special focus because riders are far more prone to injury and death than occupants of other vehicles. In fact, 2012 motorcycle accident statistics from the NHTSA show that motorcycle riders were more than 26 times more likely to die and 5 times more likely to be injured in traffic accidents than occupants of passenger cars.
Whether you ride a motorcycle or drive a car, take this opportunity to recognize the importance of motorcycle safety. If you are involved in an accident, consider involving an attorney who can advise you of your rights and options. Motorcycle accident claims and lawsuits can be complex and difficult to deal with, which is precisely what you do not need when dealing with serious injuries or the loss of a loved one. KWB Law personal injury attorneys will handle your case, you can focus on spending time with loved ones and healing.
For more than 30 years, our firm has been fighting for the rights of the injured in the South Florida area. Find out how we can help you by calling for a free consultation.